Preparing for an open house
Source: RECO
The sale of a home can be a stressful and busy time for any homeowner which is why it is important to work closely with your registered real estate professional if you are planning an open house.
Your best approach is to ask as many questions as possible about what you need to do to prepare as well as making sure you understand what occurs during an open house.

How much can the buyer afford to offer for the property and how much is the property worth?
A high offer could enhance the buyer’s chance of success. However, it may not be the best long-term financial decision for the buyer. A competing offer situation does not necessarily mean that a property will sell for more than the asking price. Similarly, an offer that meets or exceeds the asking price will not guarantee that a buyer’s offer is accepted.

Will your salesperson be present during the open house?

Will attendees of the open house be asked for identification?

Will all attendees be escorted throughout the home and will your salesperson limit the number of individuals in your home at any one time to ensure they are personally escorted?

Will your salesperson check all doors, windows and other access points prior to locking your home at the end of the open house?

Ask your salesperson for advice on whether you should allow photographs of your home to be taken by buyers or anyone else.

Remove small valuables from view

Remove medications from all rooms in the home including your medicine cabinet

Keep your bills, credit card receipts and bank statements out of view. You may want to store them with your other valuables

Take inventory/pictures of your property and what was stored so you will know quickly if anything is missing

Consider removing personal photographs that may be on display